Cancellations & Appeals

Insurance companies can no longer cancel your coverage just because you or your employer made a mistake on your insurance application. Previously, insurance companies could take away your coverage, declare your policy invalid, and ask you to pay back any money they had spent on your medical care.

These protections apply to all health plans, including grandfathered plans, whether you get coverage through your employer or buy it yourself.

Can my insurance still get cancelled?

Appealing Health Plan Decisions

If your health insurer refuses to pay a claim or ends your coverage, you have the right to appeal the decision and have it reviewed by a third party.

You can ask that your insurance company reconsider its decision. Insurers have to tell you why they’ve denied your claim or ended your coverage. And they must let you know how you can dispute their decisions.

Two Ways to Appeal

There are two ways to appeal a health plan decision:

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