The Housing Allocations Section deals with the provision of housing to people who have been assessed under the Council’s Allocation Scheme and are deemed eligible for social housing support. Eligible applicants are placed on the Council’s housing list in order of date of qualification and priority status and progress on that basis. An Application Form for Social Housing (pdf) along with supporting documentation must be submitted.
Social Housing Support can include any of the options listed below.
For further information please use our online enquiry form below for the area you are in:
Divisional Operations South Cork, Housing Dept, Cork County Council, Floor 4, County Hall, Cork
Tel: 021 4285368 or use our Online Enquiry Form.
Divisional Operations North Cork, Housing Dept, Council Offices, Annabella, Mallow, Co. Cork.
Tel: 022 21123 or use our Online Enquiry Form.
Divisional Operations West Cork, Housing Dept, Cork County Council, Kent Street, Clonakilty, Co. Cork
Tel: 023 8833328 or use our Online Enquiry Form.