Business Partnership in Dubai: What You Need to Know

Business Partnership in Dubai

Doing business in Dubai can be both profitable and rewarding, but it is important to know the right way to go about setting up a partnership. There are many things to consider when establishing a partnership in Dubai, and if you are not familiar with the process, it can be easy to make costly mistakes. In this article, we will discuss the key things you need to know when forming a business partnership in Dubai.

Business Partnership in Dubai: What is it, exactly?

A business partnership in Dubai is a contractual agreement between two or more individuals to operate a business together. Partnerships can be general, limited, or joint. A general partnership is the simplest type of partnership and doesn’t require any filing with the government. Limited partnerships must file with the government and have at least one general partner and one limited partner. A joint venture is a partnership formed for a specific project and dissolves when the project is completed.

Partners share profits, losses, and responsibilities equally unless they agree to otherwise in writing. To form a business partnership in Dubai, you must have a written agreement between the partners that outlines how the business will be operated, what each partner’s role will be, and how profits and losses will be shared.

The Dubai Department of Economic Development (DED) can provide more information on business partnerships in Dubai.

What are the Benefits of Setting a Business Partnership in Dubai?

The benefits of setting up a business partnership in Dubai are many. Some of the key benefits include:

– A large, welcoming market with plenty of opportunity for growth

– Tax advantages and exemptions that can help reduce costs and increase profits

– Ease of doing business – establishing and running a business in Dubai is straightforward and efficient

– A supportive business environment with a wealth of resources available to help businesses succeed

– Proximity to other key markets in the region and around the world

– An efficient, well-developed infrastructure that makes doing business easy

These are just some of the reasons why setting up a business partnership in Dubai is such a wise decision. With its thriving economy, welcoming business environment, and advantageous tax laws, Dubai is a great place to do business. Contact our team at DBS Business Setup today to find out more about setting up a partnership in Dubai and how we can help you get started.

What are the Types of Partnerships that are Available in Dubai?

There are different types of partnerships that are available in Dubai. The most common type is the limited liability company, which offers protection to the partners’ personal assets. There is also a joint-stock company, which is similar to a public company and can offer tax benefits. Other types of partnerships include:

– Partnership Company: This type of company is similar to a limited liability company, but it has fewer restrictions on the number of shareholders.

– Free Zone Company: This type of company is registered in a free zone area and offers tax benefits.

– Branch: A branch is an extension of a foreign company and can offer some tax benefits.

– Representative Office: A representative office is used to promote a company’s products and services in Dubai, but it cannot conduct any business activities.

How Do You Go About Setting Up a Business Partnership in Dubai?

There are several ways to go about setting up a business partnership in Dubai. One way is to have two or more people establish a company as partners. Another way is for one person to set up the company and then bring on board other investors as partners. The latter option can be done through either an equity stake or by issuing convertible bonds.

There are a few key things to keep in mind when setting up a business partnership in Dubai.

First, it’s important to have a clear understanding of each partner’s role and responsibilities within the company. Partners should also agree on how profits will be shared and any other financial arrangements between them.

In addition, partners should establish an operating agreement that will spell out things like how decisions will be made, what happens if one partner leaves the company, and how disagreements will be resolved. This document can help to avoid any misunderstandings or disputes between partners down the road.

If you’re considering setting up a business partnership in Dubai, it’s important to consult with an experienced lawyer who can guide you through the process and help to protect your interests.

What Paperwork is required?

Partners must register their partnership with the Dubai Economic Department (DED), and each partner must have a trade license from the DED. The company must also have a valid commercial registration certificate.

In order to establish a business partnership in Dubai, you will need to:

– Choose a business structure for your company (partnership, LLC, or company)

– Register your business with the Dubai Economic Department (DED)

– Get a trade license from the DED

– Have a valid commercial registration certificate.

If you would like assistance in setting up a business partnership in Dubai, please get in touch with our team at DBS Business Setup.

What are the Tax Implications of Setting Up a Partnership in Dubai

A partnership registered in Dubai is a separate legal entity and is subject to income tax on its profits. The partners are jointly and severally liable for the payment of any tax due by the partnership.

The rate of income tax payable by a partnership depends on the type of business activity carried out. Generally, partnerships carrying out commercial activities are taxed at a rate of 20%, while partnerships carrying out professional activities are taxed at a rate of 25%.

Partnerships registered in free zones in Dubai are not subject to income tax. However, profits earned by the partnership from outside the free zone will be subject to income tax.

In addition to income tax, partnerships registered in Dubai are also subject to value-added tax (VAT) at a rate of 18%.

How do you comply with local taxation laws?

When setting up a partnership in Dubai, it is important to ensure that you comply with the local taxation laws. This includes registering for income tax and VAT and ensuring that you pay any taxes due on time.

Partnerships registered in free zones in Dubai are not subject to income tax or VAT. However, profits earned by the partnership from outside the free zone will be subject to income tax and VAT.

It is also important to keep in mind that partners are jointly and severally liable for the payment of any taxes due by the partnership. So, if one partner fails to pay their share of the taxes, the other partners will need to make up the shortfall.

If you are unsure about how to comply with local taxation laws, it is best to seek professional advice.

How Do You Dissolve a Business Partnership in Dubai?

Partnerships can be dissolved in a number of ways, but the most common is by mutual agreement. This usually happens when both parties feel that they are no longer benefiting from the partnership. The process for dissolving a business partnership in Dubai is relatively simple and straightforward. Here’s what you need to do:

First, the partners need to agree on the terms of the dissolution. This includes deciding how the business will be divided up, who will retain ownership of any assets or property, and how any debts or liabilities will be handled.

Once the agreement has been reached, both parties must sign a written document detailing the terms of the dissolution.

Finally, each partner must file a notice of dissolution with the Dubai Department of Economic Development.

It’s important to note that the process for dissolving a business partnership in Dubai can vary depending on the type of partnership involved and the specific circumstances.

What are the Key Considerations when Choosing a Partner for your Business Venture in Dubai?

When looking for a partner to help start or grow your business in Dubai, it is important to consider their experience and expertise in the market. It is also crucial to ensure that you have compatible goals and visions for the venture, as well as similar values and work ethics.

Communication is another key factor, as regular and effective communication will be necessary to navigate the challenges that are bound to arise during the course of any business venture. Finally, it is important to ensure that both parties have a commitment to success and are willing to put in the necessary time and effort to make the venture a success.

If you can find a partner who meets all of these criteria, your business will be off to a strong start in Dubai’s competitive business environment.

How much does Business Partner Make in Dubai?

This question is difficult to answer definitively as it can vary greatly depending on the type of business, experience, and other factors. Generally speaking, most business partners in Dubai make a comfortable living wage. However, there are some who earn much more due to their success in the market.

It is important to keep in mind that business partners in the UAE often have additional responsibilities such as overseeing and managing staff, so their income can be significantly higher than those of other business professionals. In general, most business partners in Dubai make between AED 30,000 and 100,000 per month.

This information should give you a good idea of what to expect, but it is always best to speak with a local agent who can provide more accurate information based on your specific situation.


We hope this blog post has helped you understand how to set up a business partnership in Dubai. If you would like to learn more about the process or set up your own company, we’d be happy to help – just get in touch with us, and we will be glad to answer any questions!

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