Attendance: 25 Performance Review Phrases Examples

Attendance is an essential skill that is highly valued in any workplace: employees who consistently show up on time and complete their work on schedule are an asset to the team and contribute to the overall success of the company. Employers often track attendance as part of their performance review process, and it is important for employees to understand how their attendance record impacts their job performance. Related: Punctuality: Performance Review Examples

Questions to determine an employee’s performance review rating for attendance:

  1. Has the employee been punctual and arrived on time for work consistently?
  2. Has the employee missed any work days or arrived late frequently?
  3. Has the employee provided advance notice for any absences or tardiness?
  4. Has the employee made an effort to make up for any missed work or time?
  5. Has the employee followed company policies regarding attendance?

Based on the answers to these questions, you can determine an appropriate rating for the employee’s attendance. For example, if the employee has consistently arrived on time and followed company policies, they may receive a high rating. On the other hand, if the employee has frequently missed work or arrived late without notice, they may receive a lower rating.

Performance Review Phrases and Paragraphs Examples For Attendance

5 – Outstanding

An employee who consistently demonstrates outstanding attendance is punctual, reliable, and rarely misses work. They arrive on time and are present for all scheduled shifts, meetings, and appointments. They understand the importance of their role and the impact their absence could have on the team.

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4 – Exceeds Expectations

An employee who exceeds expectations for attendance is also reliable and punctual, but may have had a few instances of tardiness or absence. They understand the importance of attendance and make a conscious effort to be present and on time.

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3 – Meets Expectations

An employee who meets expectations for attendance has a satisfactory attendance record. They arrive on time and are present for all scheduled shifts, meetings, and appointments. However, they may have had a few instances of tardiness or absence.

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2 – Needs Improvement

An employee who needs improvement for attendance has an unsatisfactory attendance record. They may arrive late or miss work frequently, which can have a negative impact on the team and the company.

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1 – Unacceptable

An employee who is rated as unacceptable for attendance has an extremely poor attendance record. They may have missed multiple shifts or been consistently late, which can have a significant impact on the team and the company.

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